
The Tenth China-Russia Conference on Numerical Algebra with Applications (CRC-NAA'24) will be held at Vladivostok during June 24-29, 2024. The conference is organized jointly the Southern Federal Universities and Far Eastern Federal Universities with the participation of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific and Technical Computing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It aims at bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers, and graduate students to exchange and stimulate ideas from different disciplines, at discussing the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted, and at learning about the recent developments on theory and numerical methods for numerical simulation about numerical algebra and scientific computing.

The topics of CRC-NAA'24 include, but are not limited to:

  • mathematical modeling;
  • applicating of numerical methods and algorithms to solve problems of mathematical modeling;
  • solving linear and nonlinear equations systems;
  • preconditionining technique;
  • parallel computing.